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Classroom Lecture

Setting Up for Success

At United Housing Connections, our goal is to break the cycle of homelessness. As part of our Homeless Prevention programs, we offer a variety of resources designed to help families and individuals become stably housed.


Case management is an opportunity for our clients to work closely with a supportive, hands-on specialist to establish a savings account, obtain financial education and credit repair training, and receive training to increase job skills and wages.

Our Unique Homeless Prevention Initiatives

HOME Again

HOME Again

The Home Again Housing Program is an innovative approach to housing in which UHC sub-leases units and provides tenant management services to families. Homeless families who have school-aged children are referred by the school McKinney Vento liaison. The role of UHC is to encourage maximum housing stability and self-sufficiency. Case managers work with McKinney-Vento liaisons within the Greenville County School District to ensure students and families are housed. Ninety-six percent of program participants who are housed with these supports remain stably housed after a year.


To learn more about the HOME Again Program, click here.

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